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Saturday, 22 March 2014

Another Trail-blazer in the field of Digestive Vitality

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." Thomas A. Edison

Following is an exert from Mysterious Causes & Cures of Illness by Dr John Matsen.

He says..."Our poor digestive systems! From morning till night, from childhood to death, we put into our mouths more or less whatever we feel like having, whenever we feel like it. Whatever is within arm's reach may be consumed: Foods, liquids, stimulants, relaxants, chemicals, drugs...We expect our system to somehow magically grind it all up, sort it out, use the good, eliminate the bad, all without noise or complaint, and still leave us with lots of energy. That the human system can withstand the abuse it does has to be one of the miracles of life. In fact, treating the digestive system like a [garbage] may be harmful to your health."

He also says "since most of us have such overloaded digestive systems, we do little in the way of housecleaning over the years, which is the equivalent of living in a house for many years without vacuuming it. It's bound to get a little dusty in the corners eventually...Our ancestors did internal housecleaning whether they wanted to or not, because a hundred years or more ago they were mainly a bunch of starving peasants. They had certain natural advantages over us. Their food was wholesome and natural, their intestinal flora were most likely healthy, and most important, they ran out of food often. In other words they got hungry. When you're hungry your digestive energy goes out into the blood looking for begins to digest a lot of the old debris lying around. So being a little bit hungry actually worked to their advantage by allowing the digestive energy to do a little housecleaning."

"Thousands of years ago one of those peasants must have realised that he or she felt a lot better during one of those hungry periods, and even when food became abundant again he went without eating occasionally to recapture that good feeling. Thus fasting was discovered."

"Fasting became an important part of every culture. Since people tended to not only become more physically healthy as they detoxified but they also felt better mentally, emotionally and spiritually during fasting, it was built into the rituals and traditions of all the religions."

"Most people today are so toxic that fasting stirs old toxins up far faster than their already-overloaded elimination organs can handle. Feeling worse is often the result. Once the fast is over, they're also still stuck with the same old run-down digestive system that's going to just go on dumping more and more fresh toxins into the system."

"The good news is that you can now get all of the benefits of fasting WHILE YOU'RE STILL EATING...with the understanding you will get from this book you will be able to get all the benefits of fasting while you're still eating...Getting the stomach working again is an important step towards health."

Dr John Matsen, N.D., "Mysterious Causes & Cures of Illness: How to overcome every disease from constipation to cancer without any drugs or surgery", (1995), Fischer Publishing Corporation

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