This is a great article comparing a cleansing program to a juice fast. Check out the 4 points listed at the bottom of the article which refer to what to look for in a cleansing program.
When it comes to diets and juice fasts, there are numerous fads that claim to help people lose weight quickly. Unfortunately, many of these dieting trends do not deliver the results you’re really looking for. A study conducted by the researchers of British Medical Journal suggests that people who consumed fruit in the form of juices actually increased their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by eight percent, while those who consumed their fruit whole lowered their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by two percent.
Why the dramatic difference? The reason juicing is not a preferred path toward health and weight loss is because the process actually removes the fibrous pulp when extracting the nutrients and water from vegetables and fruit – and the pulp is where the real magic happens: antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and more. When you take away this enriching fibre, you’re missing out on all of the health benefits, vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables. Not only does juicing leave behind the fibrous pulp, but it also leaves the sugar content, making the healthy juicing option not as healthy after all.
The problem with juice fasts
Juice fasts that last more than a few days can cause the muscles in the body to breakdown due to insufficient protein intake. If you are planning to lose weight and reduce calories, getting extra protein is imperative. Without proper protein, muscle is lost with the fat. If calories during a juice fast are continuously low, you may stimulate fat metabolism. However, with that breakdown of fat, you want to make sure you can successfully combat the released toxins with certain nutrients designed to help your body detoxify.
A solution that works
If you want to adopt a healthy diet and enjoy the benefits of fruit nutrients and detoxification without the high sugar intake or without losing out on necessary fibres and protein, look for a nutritional cleanse that nourishes your body, helping you to safely lose weight. Finding a cleanse program that works for you – without spiking your blood sugar – is a nutritional cleanse that supplies ample amounts of protein to ensure you are building muscle while losing weight.
What to look for in a nutritional cleanse program:
- A cleanse that is backed by clinical research: Make sure you choose a leading, healthy cleanse that ensures more healthy weight loss, more healthy fat loss, and improved cardiovascular health. Any other solutions are not worth your time and effort. A cleanse backed by researchers ensures a reliable, safe, and convenient way to lose weight.
- Keep it natural: To cleanse, nourish, and replenish the body, it is important to get rid of toxins naturally. Look for cleanses that do not have artificial colors or flavors. I recommend a cleanse for life that includes a synergistic blend of natural, cleansing herbs and botanicals to nourish the body’s systems and boost metabolism and energy levels. I also recommend preservative-free, environmentally-friendly packaging for cleanse products.
- Perfect for the “on-the-go” lifestyle: Look for a cleanse that provides options for a busy lifestyle, especially if you have found in the past that other cleanses or diets are not convenient or take up too much of your time to sustain. The Cleanse for Life I recommend offers a natural fruit flavor portable powder alternative to the liquid formula, making it easy to choose a version to fit your lifestyle and there is no refrigeration needed.
- Jam-packed with all the “good stuff:” Make sure you are on-board with a cleanse that works for you and a cleanse that contains all of the important nutrients, antioxidants, ionic minerals, natural plants, teas, and gentle cleansing herbs. I can help you find a nutritional cleanse that nourishes and supports the body’s most important functions and immune system. Contact me for details on a nutritional cleanse program that delivers what you need to lose weight, kill fat, and gain energy – the healthy way!
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