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Monday, 13 October 2014

6 Undeniable Reasons You Are Overweight


The commonly held assumption that being overweight is simply a mathematical formula of calories in and calories out is an outdated way of thinking that needs to be changed. Weight gain is often a complicated dynamic between one's culture, environment, exercise habits, eating styles, genetics, and biochemical individuality. With that said, here are 6 reasons you are overweight.

Sluggish metabolism

There may be a few reasons for a sluggish metabolism, but one of the primary culprits is an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). When hypothyroidism causes metabolism to slow, the body will store rather than burn calories, causing an accumulation of fat. The consequence of this slowing metabolism can create:
  • An accumulation of hyalouronic acid, a sugar that binds with water in the body, causing swelling and an increase in weight. This is characterized by puffy, thick skin and fluid retention.
  • A sluggish digestive system, resulting in gastrointestinal problems that could lead to a more serious condition known as leaky gut. Weight gain is a potential result of digestive disturbances.
  • A decrease in insulin production by the pancreas due to inflammation, also known as pancreatitis. When insulin imbalances occur, blood sugars are not burned off and they turn into fat.
  • A decrease in the body's thermogenic (fat burning capacity), which can lead to increased fat storage.
Toxic loadToxicity is one of the primary reasons for weight gain, particularly for people who can't keep it off. When the liver becomes overburdened with toxins, it causes imbalances that can lead to weight gain, including blood sugar imbalance, essential fatty acid deficiency, and slowed metabolism. Our processed, genetically modified food supply is just one aspect of our toxic load.

An unhealthy toxic load can also cause stagnant lymph flow, which holds water and toxins so body weight accumulates. Toxic accumulation in the colon can also drain the body of energy, lower metabolism, and burden the detoxification organs, like the liver and kidneys.

Insulin imbalance

Many cases of being overweight are due to an imbalance of the hormone insulin. Insulin allows the body to use glucose (sugar) and carbohydrates. However, factors such as genetic predisposition, food allergies, eating habits, and stress can interfere with glucose and carbohydrate utilization, which can result in a condition known as glucose intolerance. Excess sugar consumption (refined carbohydrates) may also contribute to glucose intolerance and obesity.

Usually insulin will signal the body to stop eating, but if your glucose levels are chronically heightened due to inefficient insulin, you may eat more. This sets up a nasty cycle of eating more refined carbohydrates, which leads to even more hunger, which often ends to more weight gain.

Lack of exercise

The amount of exercise you incorporate on a regular basis will strongly affect your weight. We are generally much less active than previous generations and our time is more consumed by television. It is estimated that a quarter of the population is completely sedentary while up to 55% are inadequately active.

Without exercise, your metabolism slows down, your lymph becomes congested, and your lean muscle mass becomes depleted. All these factors facilitate excessive weight gain.


Food restriction for the purpose of weight loss should be avoided. Ironically, we have become fatter as a culture, partly because of the yo-yo effects of dieting.

Whenever the
body is deprived of food, whether it is because of famine or dieting, the body ensures survival by decreasing metabolic rate in order to compensate for fewer calories. Energy is stored so efficiently in adipose (fat) tissue that a person of normal weight can survive for 2 months without eating.

When the food restriction ends, the desire to binge kicks in as a result of another built in survival mechanism. This leads to an unhealthy trap that often results in a primarily overweight state.

Psychosocial factors

Many people overeat due to stress, anger, sadness, boredom, and other emotional factors unrelated to hunger or nutritional needs. Food is interwoven into our social activities, childhood memories, and the psyche. Holidays are filled with excessive food intake and bad food combinations that significantly contribute to weight gain.

It's important to note that food affects mood by triggering the release of endorphins (natural pain killers) and serotonin (mood boosters). Unfortunately, the types of foods eaten (chocolate, carbohydrates, and sweets) not only elevate your mood but trigger cravings for more. This emotional eating can contribute to significant weight gain if you lead a stressful life or have unresolved emotional issues.

Your intestinal flora play a huge role in how your brain works, from food cravings to mood. Your gut health effects your overall ability and desire to loose weight. Check out the first two sources for more information on intestinal health.

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